February, 09 2025
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1 Healthy growth
Shoes must be flexible and allow perspiration, so you have to escape the trends that do not meet these conditions. It is important for children to wear good leather shoes that allow flexibility and avoid moisture.

Each child has a unique footprint. For this reason it is better not to borrow or inherit shoes.
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2 Buy the right size
Both buying shoes that are too large or too small can be damaging. Ideally there should be a gap of 1 to 1.5 cm. from the tip of the toes to the front end of the shoe.
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3 Foot hygiene
A good hygiene is essential. It is very important to wash children`s feet daily with soap and water, and of course a good drying is also important, especially between toes, in order to remove moisture and avoid fungi to appear.
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4 Feet complexity
Feet are one of the most complex parts of human body.

Growing bones are very flexible and can be deformed easily if proper footwear is not worn. During the first year of life, feet should ideally be as much free as possible or be covered with very soft socks and shoes so that feet can move freely.

As the child begins to walk, the child should wear shoes with soles.
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